Gallery Nova
Gallery Nova is a city-owned, non-profit gallery founded in 1975 by artists and curators Ljerka Šibenik and Mladen Galić. The gallery was part of the Center for Cultural Activity of the Socialist Youth of the City of Zagreb. During the 1970s it established a radical exhibition programme, showing a number of avant-garde modernist artists such as Aleksandar Srnec, Jo Klek, and Exat 51, along with the art scene emerging at the time, including artists Goran Trbuljak, Braco Dimtrijević, Group of Six Artists, Mladen Stilinović, etc.
Since 2003 Gallery Nova’s programme has been directed by WHW. It is dedicated to artistic and educational practices that bridge practical and speculative, personal and political, artistic and activist sensibilities. Based on a series of solo and group exhibitions and discursive activities, the programme is conceived as a continuous effort to reactualise the critical potential of artistic practice within a broader context. The gallery has been actively involved in a number of collaborative platforms. Recently, gallery’s programme covers a range of topics such as: engaged pedagogies, artistic ecologies, models of collectivism and self-organisation, collaborative cultural policies, the politics of exhibiting, etc.