

Natalia Philippou
  • 2013

About this artwork

The aim of this project is to create nude style photographs, under the title “Implicit mood”. A human body, endowed with a soul, is full of mysteries. This is why it was chosen to capture the human body in all its beauty in thus work. The body speaks with postures, gestures and it is full of feelings and emotions, hiding a story behind it. I was concentrated on the nude style of photography because it is sensual and revealing of the deepest feelings of a person. It was chosen to work on a woman’s body because it is so tender and graceful. For centuries, painters and more recently photographers, have tried to display the beauty of the human body through a style of art called ‘nude’. It is one of the most sophisticated and difficult genres in art photography, because the divide between the aesthetic and obscene nude art is fine. The meaning of nudity is not just the nakedness, but the vulnerability of an unprotected, open soul as well as its revealing of a ‘secret’. The body and mind are interconnected and as the “eyes are mirror to the soul” the body and its language are the mirrors of our subconscious mind, our thoughts, and intensions. The ‘Body language’ and ‘body codes’ constitute the silent texts in nude photography and convey the deep meanings and ideas of the images to the viewers. The idea of this project is not only to show the beauty of a female body, but to ‘speak’ through the body’s expressions and shapes about the person’s feelings.

80 x 50 cm

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