I lgvars Zalans, a Latvian painter, has exhibited in the United States and Switzerland. He has also completed several residencies in Asia and South America. Since 2007, Zalans has crossed the globe with his action-painting performances, visiting over 33 countries. All of his compositions, whether an object, creature or place, reflect fundamental aspects of the human experience. He creates using acrylic on canvas.
24.09.1962.Riga, LATVIA
2016-2018 University of Latvia
1988 -1992 Latvian Academy of art
1984 – 1987 Riga applied art college
2015 Performance grant , Orange gallery, Bacolod, PHILIPPINES
2014 Artist in Residency grant, Perahu Art Center, Yogyakarta INDONESIA
2012 Artist in Residency grant, HOM Art Center, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
2011 Artist in Residency grant, Highland Art Center, Chengdu, CHINA
2010 Artist in residency grant, Kamiyama, Tokushima, JAPAN
2010 Artist in Residency grant, Organhaus Art center, Chongqing, CHINA
2009 Artist in Residency, Brisbane, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA
2007 Artist in residency The Rodríguez-Amat Foundation, Girona, SPAIN
Group Exhibitions
2023 Hit The Ten, Mark Rothko Art center, LATVIA
2022 CitadelArt, Deva, ROMANIA
2021 Gangwon Triennale 2021, Hongcheon Art Museum, Gangwon, SOUTH KOREA
2021 G.art gallery, Berlin, GERMANY
2013 ArtexParte II, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Art Fairs
2015 SCOPE Miami Beach 2015 , Miami, USA
2015 SCOPE Art Basel 2015 , Basel, SWITZERLAND
2015 Art Copehagen, Copenhagen, DENMARK
2022 2nd Velasquez painting & sculpture Award, Best Abstract Second Prize, Shanghai, CHINA
2006 scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture And Science of NETHERLANDS
Permanent collection
2019 Mark Rothko Art center, LATVIA
2016 Benetton Art Collection, ITALY
Social links