Andrius Makarevičius


Born in 1982, Lithuania.

Since 2017m. member of Lithuanian Artists‘ Association.


In 2003 solo art exhibition in the secondary school “Rytas” in Pabradė,


In 2007 display of works in the underground event “Barzda” (“Beard”),


In 2010 solo art exhibition in the club “Mulen ružas” in Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2011 solo ant exhibition on the “Fluxus” art platform, Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2011 participation in the project “Menas+ Menas bendrauti”

(“Art+ Art of communication”) in Kaunas, Lithuania.

In 2012 participation in plein air and the exhibition “Menas paveldui”

(“Art for heritage”) in Trakų Vokė, Lithuania.

In 2013 solo exhibition “Šventi” (“The Saints”) in cultural center “Beepart”,

Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2013 solo exhibition in the A. Mickevičiaus library in Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2013 participation in plein air and the exhibition “Menas paveldui”

(“Art for heritage”) in Trakų Vokė, Lithuania.

In 2014 solo exhibition “Paramaribo jausmas” (“The feeling of

Paramaribo”) in the cultural center “Beepart”, Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2014 solo exhibition in cultural center of Trakų Vokė, Lithuania.

In 2014 joint exhibition of miniatures “Spiečius” (“Swarm”)

in the gallery “R&A”, Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2014 solo exhibition in Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre,

Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2014 participation in plein air and the exhibition “Menas paveldui”

(“Art for heritage”) in Trakų Vokė, Lithuania.

In 2015 solo exhibition “Skambi situacija” (“Vocal situation”)

in the gallery “Vitražo manufaktūros”, Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2015 solo exhibition “Buities improvizacijos” (“Improvisations of the

mode of life”) in the gallery “555”, Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2015 joint exhibition “Kambarys kaip galerija” (“Room as a gallery”)

in Molėtai, Lithuania.

In 2015 solo exhibition „Rutu gallery“, Klaipeda,Lithuania.

In 2016 solo exhibition „Savicko gallery“, Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2016 solo exhibition , Ministry of Health of The Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius.

In 2016 solo exhibition , Naujoji Vilnia, Lithuania.

In 2016 solo exhibition , Ukmerge, Lithuania.

In 2017 solo exhibition " Honey jazz", gallery "Aidas", Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2017 solo exhibition , Joniskis White synagogue, Lithuania.

In 2017 solo exhibition ,gallery "Laiptai", Siauliai, Lithuania.

In 2017 solo exhibition "The Game of the Subconscious and the Rites (Part 1) ", "Savicko gallery", Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2018 solo exhibition "Paintings 2009-2017", hotel "Karolina Park Hotel", Vilnius, Lithuania.

In 2019 solo exhibition "Summer in Pabradė". Cultural center of Pabrade.

In 2019 solo exhibition "Stories from Station district". "Arka" gallery.Vilnius.

In 2019 solo exhibition "Stories from Station district". Contemporary Art and Science Center. Kaunas.

In 2019 solo exhibition "Stories from Station district" V.2.0. Children's and Youth Art Gallery. Vilnius.

In 2020 solo exhibition „100 day-100 act“. Gallery „RA“, Vilnius.

In 2020 solo exhibition „ Pandemic exhibition in shop-window. Vilnius

In 2021 solo exhibition „Station DoMiNoRe“. „Baroti“ gallery, Klaipeda.

In 2021 solo exhibition "Stories from Station district". "Meno parkas" gallery.Dusseldorf, Germany.

In 2021 solo exhibition "Stories from Station district". "SDG" gallery. Siauliai.

In 2021 solo exhibition "Stories from Station district". "XX" gallery.Panevežys.

In 2022 solo exhibition "Station DoMiNoRe". "Arka" gallery.Vilnius.

Artworks by Andrius Makarevičius

Artworks Gallery

Girls and puss in boots
Girls and puss in boots (2018)

Andrius Makarevičius

Sleeping beauty and dwarfs at the Hook
Sleeping beauty and dwarfs at the Hook (2018)

Andrius Makarevičius

Future and past of the district scene
Future and past of the district scene (2018)

Andrius Makarevičius