I was born in Slanic, a small town in Romania. Growing up amidst nature and a rich tapestry of traditional and mystical stories, my affinity for art developed organically.
With an engineering diploma in my background, the decision to transition to the field of fine arts was a personal passion, although met with some controversy from those around me. A few years later, I have achieved a First-Class Honours Degree Diploma in Fine Arts from the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom.
My artistic focus lies in the exploration of mine own cultural identity and its interaction with social events that shape our lives. In an age of profound technological advancement, my works serve as contemporary reflections of what I believe should be remembered and preserved.
My approach to painting predominantly embodies a figurative style, which I consider an integral part of my national identity. At times, I merged this traditional approach with modern technologies and diverse mediums, resulting in the creation of unique and authentic artworks.
Drawing inspiration from the Impressionist masters who ignited my love for painting, I also incorporate elements reminiscent of Cubism, a style I attribute to artists such as Gris, Braque, and Picasso. Furthermore, my work is influenced by many contemporary artists who expresses their experiences through paintings.
As an artist, my goal is to connect the past with the present and inspire dialogue. I invite the viewers to explore my work and join me in reflecting on the complexities of identity and our shared human experiences.